Inclusion update for the Built Environment industry
Newsletter 6: Time to stop talking, and accelerate the change we want #BuildBackBetter
Constructing Rainbows advises built environment organisations who have an aim of making our industry inclusive for all. To find out more visit This newsletter will provide you with some updates on what others are doing, both within the built environment and in other industries.
“I can hide that I’m gay, but I can't hide that I’m a woman.” I was pleased to be invited to the workshops run by Loughborough university for this CIOB funded research, with some really interesting key findings.
One year on from Building's first diversity and inclusion survey, Jordan Marshall looks at what - if anything - has changed and what more the industry should be doing to combat discrimination in the workplace
“This industry really needs to grasp the opportunities brought about by this shock. It would be a waste if we didn’t.” Gillian Charlesworth emphasises the need to build back better.
Construction firms do not need another racial inequality review to tell them what to do - we know what makes a difference, now let's get on with it, says Mary Pierre-Harvey
ThisWeekinFM spoke to some LGBT+ in FM members to understand more about why prioritising fairness, inclusion and respect is so important in the workplace.
One of the biggest positives of the Covid-19 crisis has been a demonstration of how homeworking is possible, and in many cases a positive. There is still an element of trust required, one which cannot and should not be solved by spying on your homeworkers.