Inclusion update for the built environment and renewables industries
Newsletter 50: Feedback, sabbaticals and lampshades!
Constructing Rainbows advises built environment, facilities management and renewables organisations across the globe who have an aim of making our industry inclusive for all. To find out more visit
This newsletter will provide you with some updates on what others are doing, within the built environment, renewables and in other industries.
More trained security staff on trains could help the concerning rise of violence against women and girls on public transport, a managing director in the industry has said.
Women into Construction has ceased trading.
Women into Construction CIC has ceased trading this month. They have had a huge impact over the years helping thousands of women into the industry. 

This should be a wake up call to the industry that if we truly want to change we need to be resourcing EDI initiatives properly, and that shouldn’t stop when times are harder, it should still be a priority due to the business benefits. 
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Soft FM services form an essential part of hygiene, orderliness, and presentation for businesses, brands, organisations, and communities worldwide. The attraction and retention of talent is pivotal for sustained success. But in an industry that is often overlooked, how can we do that? 

Construction’s ageing workforce: where are the next generation? - Construction Management
We do have an ageing workforce, but unless we do the work to address the culture, we are not going to attract the next generation - and that includes a focus on EDI, which this article seems to have omitted.
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The Women in Construction Industry Innovation Program supports industry initiatives that will encourage participation and retention of women in the construction industry, details of recipients can be seen here.

Workers prioritising employers that offer sabbaticals in work-life balance shift
The chances are, if someone is thinking of taking a sabbatical they will go whether you offer one or not. So why not give your employees opportunity to learn some new skills, do some charity work, or just take a break from the high intensity work we do. They will then return, refreshed, upskilled, raring to go, with a new appreciation of your company who gave them the time off.

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Tech firm apologises for hostess lampshade outfits
Women often feel like they are treated like objects - so when this tech firm decided to make them into lampshades it obviously caused a backlash.

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Another reminder about equal pay for equal work, as Next retail staff win their tribunal. 

Their argument that the shop based workers (mostly women) have an equally hard role as the warehouse workers (mostly men) yet shop workers are paid less. 

The tribunal concluded that the argument about market rates for warehouse workers didn’t stack up because it was circular reasoning. 
Australia’s Disability Representative Organisations respond to the Government Response to Disability Royal Commission
Joint statement from DRO's that Disability Royal Commission is deeply disappointing and fails to respond to the scale of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of people with disability.

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When Diversity Meets Feedback
In recent years leading executives have touted the advantages of a work environment marked by candid feedback. Employees seem to have bought into the benefits too.  Unfortunately, the increased diversity of our workplaces has made it much more likely that feedback won’t go over well and will be misinterpreted as an act of hostility. That’s because people from different cultures, genders, and generations have varying expectations for how feedback is delivered and by whom. 
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The LGBT+ in FM Network has published a best practice guide on what it is to be an ally and what that looks like at work.