Inclusion update for the built environment and renewables industries
Newsletter 43: Part-time promotion cliff, workplace harassment legislation, and class pay gap
Constructing Rainbows advises built environment and renewables organisations across the globe who have an aim of making our industry inclusive for all. To find out more visit
This newsletter will provide you with some updates on what others are doing, within the built environment, renewables and in other industries.
Zurich introduces sense maps for inclusive offices
Insurance firm Zurich UK has created sensory maps for each of its sites showing levels of temperature, noise, smells and foot traffic around the workspace to help employees choose where to work dependent on their needs. 
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Luisa Panuccio shared some of her experiences on Linkedin last week of the sexism she faces working in the construction industry in Australia.
As you can see from the comments underneath, this is still a wide spread issue that we need to address before we lose even more talent.
Hybrid working blamed for UK infrastructure delays
Post-pandemic working from home is causing delays to all UK infrastructure projects, according to the head of the government’s Infrastructure & Projects Authority (IPA).

What do you think?
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Whilst most corporates in the built environment industry struggle with gender diversity at the most senior levels, there are group of organisations really leading the way - our professional bodies!
Mental Health within the Construction Indsutry
Colemans looked into mental health within the construction industry to find out why there is a stigma, and whether this industry deals with mental health challenges often.
They also gained tips and advice from experts on how employers within this industry can reduce the stigma and support employees who may be struggling with their mental health.

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Buro Happold's new RNIB HQ first to adopt neurodiversity standard - Construction Management
The new London headquarters of RNIB is the first building in the UK to achieve the a new BSI neurodiversity standard,.

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New data reveals most popular occupations of lesbian, gay and bisexual people
Worth reading this list, really highlights the issue of LGB+ representation in the trades - roofers being at the bottom of the pile, but so many construction trades in the bottom quarter of this list.

This data is from the census and we know not everyone answered the question on sexual orientation, but it does demonstrate we still have a long way to go.
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Much of the discussion about retaining women in the industry has been on childcare, but we are also losing talent at later stages too due to the menopause.

There is more support that employers can put in place such as flexible home working, and menopause leave, as well as being able to alter temperatues in their working area.

If women leave the industry early, they are taking a lot of skills and experience with them.
Women in the Workplace 2023: Key Findings & Takeaways
The latest Lean In and McKinsey & Company Women at Work Report has been released. Although this is focused on corporate america, it provides some valuable insight into current trends on gender equity.
- women are more ambitious than pre-pandemic
- women’s biggest hurdle to advancement is at the first critical step up to manage
- microaggressions have a large and lasting impact on women
- men and women see flexibility as a "top 3" employee benefit and critical to their company's success
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Class Pay Gap Day: working class Brits working for free
Did you know 14th November is Class Pay Gap Day - the day in the year when those from working-class backgrounds working in higher professional-managerial positions, cease earning, relative to their peers. The Social Mobility Foundation research also found that gender and race increase the Class Pay Gap.

As socio-economic background is not a protected characteristic, it sometimes gets missed by organisations in their EDI efforts, but this research further demonstrates that it is an area that needs focus
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One in 10 mothers with under-fours quit work over childcare, says charity
When childcare costs more than your income, it's hard to justify working.
When some employers show no flexibility when children are ill, or need picking up from childcare, how can you make work work?
When you really want to continue your career progression, but you're being held back because you need flexibility, how do you keep persevering?

It's really not surprising that mothers (who still do the majority of childcare) are quitting, and we're losing talent at a time of skill shortages.
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For some people, zero hours contracts suit their lives, but for the most part zero hours contracts cause financial instability, and make it harder for people to challenge bad behaviour for fear of missing out on future work.

Research has shown Black and Minority Ethnic women are most likely to be on zero hours contracts which will have an impact on their social mobility. Responsible employers who are looking at fair pay practices will be considering whether there is an actual benefit to employees of these contracts.
Bias in the recruitment of young people reduces social mobility, and broader diversity as companies recruit people with similar backgrounds and experiences.

In our industry connections are really important, but who does that mean you are leaving out? How do you bring in people from outside your community? And give other talented people an opportunity to shine?
Protecting women against workplace harassment moves up UK political agenda

New measures aimed at protecting women against sexual harassment in the workplace are to enter into UK law.

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21% of employees work in part-time roles, but only 7% of management roles are filled by part-time workers. Part-time workers are encountering a promotion cliff.
“Declaring that women were tired of waiting to feel safe and economically valued, the report from the women’s economic equality taskforce to be released on Monday calls for more investment in early childcare and education, ensuring the minimum wage is high enough to be considered a living wage and finding new ways to encourage older women back into the workforce.”
Queering Public Spaces
Arup and University of Westminster have been working on an ongoing research project called Queering Public Spaces which looks at safe and inclusive spaces for LGBTQ+ communities. They need your help by completing the survey.
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University of Technology Sydney and Master Builders NSW are carrying out a research project to explore the impact of a 5-day working week on work-life balance.
If you work in the Australian construction industry, please consider completing the survey.