Inclusion update for the Built Environment industry
Newsletter 27: Happiness the key to productivity
Constructing Rainbows advises built environment organisations who have an aim of making our industry inclusive for all. To find out more visit This newsletter will provide you with some updates on what others are doing, both within the built environment and in other industries.
Key membership bodies in the built environment sector have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to drive forward the creation of a more diverse, equitable and inclusive sector - ensuring it is more representative of the society it serves.
Happiness is key to workers’ productivity. Building teams as well as buildings is part of the key to solving construction’s productivity conundrum, says Nicky Rance.
“If you are in a leadership position, please understand that it is not enough to just not be a racist or homophobe. You must actively be an anti-racist and an LGBTQ+ ally ensuring that the issues are understood to sufficiently embed them into company culture,”
Freehold and TFT are hosting a free networking event at UKREiiF - The UK's Real Estate Investment & Infrastructure Forum next week, which anyone can join - you don't have to be attending the main event. A net-walking tour will look to showcase how the LGBTQ+ community in Leeds has helped drive inclusivity, regeneration and economic growth across the region.